Open to me the portals of repentence, O Christ our God.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Motu Proprio News, Translation From Apic

Translation from Apic by Mr. Edward Snyder

Rome: Motu Proprio will be published on July 7" Summorum pontificum" for the liberalization of the Latin mass
Rome, July 4, 2007 (Apic)

The Apostolic Letter in the form of the Motu Proprio that Benedict XVI is on the point of publishing in order to liberalize the use of the mass and the liturgical books according to the preconciliar rite of 1962 will bear the name of " Summorum pontificum" , Vatican sources learned [via] I.Media, the partner agency of Apic in Rome. This much awaited document favoring the traditionalist faithful and [causing] fears for a certain number of bishops will be published this coming July 7th." Summorum pontificum" (in English, ‘the greatest pontiffs') are the first words (beginning of the text) of the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI liberalizing the use of the Mass known as "St. Piux V”. The first two words of this apostolic letter give its name to the pontifical docume nt which will be made public by the Vatican on this July 7th.

It will be accompanied by a long letter from the Pope announcing his motivation for this publication that certain bishops, in France particularly, see with a jaundiced eye.By this text, the pope is understand to extend to the entire Church the possibility of celebrating the Mass according to the liturgical books promulgated on June 23, 1962, during the pontificate of John XXIII, right before Council Vatican II and the reform which followed, in 1969 and 1970. He will make of this pre-conciliar rite “an extraordinary form of the single Roman rite “, that of the post-conciliar known as that "of Paul VI". In addition to the rite of the Mass, the document should thus also relate to the sacraments of b aptism, marriage, confirmation and extremunction, as well as the celebration of funerals.

If Latin is the language of use of the tridentine rite, the use of the vernacular language could be authorized for the liturgical readings. The new document will put an end to the requirement to require an exemption (called `indult') from the diocesan bishop for being able to celebrate the mass according to the rite of 1962. The bishop should authorize the celebration in the diocesan parishes of a single Mass according to the pre-conciliar form each Sunday and feast day, except during the Pacal Triduum [this could be because all Novus Ordo priests are required to concelebrate on Holy Thursday; also the Good Friday controversy?]. `Summorum pontificum' should moreover encourage the creation of “personal parishes” in the dioceses where only the tridentine rite will then be celebrated.

The local bishop should then be able to intervene only in the event of a legal battle (litigation ) between one of his priests and a group of the [lay] faithful. If necessary, the bishop will be able to address the matter to the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei charged with being the ultimate authority in these matters.This new Motu Proprio will repeal that promulgated by John Paul IIConsequently, the new Motu Proprio will repeal the one promulgated by John Paul Paul II in July 1988, Ecclesia Dei adflicta, as well as the document of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of October 1984, Quattuor abhinc annos, approved by the Pope and granting to the diocesan bishops the possibility of using an indult for the celebration of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite. The Pope should in addition specify that it is not a question of a return to the past, but of a generous gesture in order to place at the disposal of the whole faithful the immense spiritual, cultural, and esthetical treasures related to the old liturgy.



Tom S. said...

This is incredibly good news. If this article is correct as to the contents of the motu proprio, it goes far beyond my wildest expectations. I suppose we'll know for sure in about 48 hours.

tomt said...

I agree. To be so close to the promulgation of the Motu Proprio is a dream about to come true.