Open to me the portals of repentence, O Christ our God.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Daughter of Our Lady of the Atonement Parish takes vows with Poor Clares

Not new news, but, good news.

On Saturday, July 7th, Fr. Phillips celebrated the Mass and officiated at the Mass of Solemn Profession for Sr. Elizabeth Marie, a daughter of this parish.

Shown here with the pastor and Sister's mother, Peggy Graham, Sr. Elizabeth Marie is a Nun of the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery in Hanceville, Alabama.

A great thanks is due to Fr. Phillips for the good work done at his parish is now paying dividends for the whole Church, as we now have another cloistered nun interceding for our sinful world.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Christendom College Add, Christendom College Offers Extraordinary Form of the Mass

College Offers Extraordinary Form of the Mass

Associate Chaplain Fr. Seamus O’Kielty, in accordance with the Pope’s recent Motu Proprio allowing for a more generous celebration of the Mass of Blessed John XXIII (Tridentine or 1962 Latin Mass), offered the extraordinary form of the Mass on November 2 in the College’s Chapel of Christ the King, a first in College history.

Fr. O’Kielty was ordained prior to the Vatican II changes in the Mass, and as such, spent his beginning years as a priest celebrating the Tridentine Mass. During the first two months of school this semester, he worked with the altar servers and reviewed the extraordinary form of the rite so that he could properly offer this great gift to the College family. The Mass of Blessed John XXIII continues to be offered each Friday morning, and at other times as well.

The College currently offers two Masses a day for its students, with the majority of them according to the ordinary form of the Mass and in English. Additionally, three of the College’s weekly Masses of the ordinary form are said in Latin, including a solemn Latin liturgy each Sunday with chant and polyphony. Having this new option (the extraordinary form of the Latin rite) available will enhance the liturgical life of the College according to the mind of Pope Benedict XVI.

The above can be found HERE


another Anglican leader has had enough of moral relativism, Crossing the Tiber


Episcopal Bishop John LipscombApparently, another Anglican leader has had enough of moral relativism. Here is an excerpt from his open letter to his diocese:

November 20, 2007,

Dear Friends in Christ,I have communicated to the Presiding Bishop my request to be released from my ordination vows and the obligations and responsibilities of a member of the House of Bishops. I have taken this step in order to be received into the Catholic Church. Through a long season of prayer and reflection Marcie and I have come to believe this is the leading of the Holy Spirit and God’s call to us for the next chapter of our lives. We are grateful to our brother in Christ, the Most Rev. Robert N. Lynch, the Bishop of St. Petersburg, for his openness to our request and for his prayerful support.I was blessed to grow up in a Christian home where I was given the gift of a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ and a reverence for God’s revelation of his love and redemptive purpose in the Word written, as well as the Word made Flesh.

I was blessed to be brought into the family of the Episcopal Church 40 years ago. I have a deep love for the sacramental life, most especially the Eucharistic sacrifice through which God continues to pour his grace into our lives in the Word that needs no words.I will be forever grateful for the opportunities I had to serve this faith community as a deacon and priest. I am most grateful for the opportunity you, the people of the Diocese of Southwest Florida, gave me to serve as your bishop and to participate in the life of the Anglican Communion. You made it possible for me to share in the mission of God that can never be bound by geographical or political barriers.I believe God is now calling us to continue our ministry to serve in the healing of the visible Body of Christ in the world.

I am convinced our Lord’s deepest desire is for the unity of the Church.Note that the Lipscomb is finding his "UNITY" by joining the One, True Church, which is the REAL purpose of ecumenism. Pray for this man. This move takes a lot of courage.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Catholic Tube

The catholic Tube videos posted below are temporarily off line while they upgrade their system.


Sunday, November 18, 2007

Important: Ecclesia Dei to ask seminaries to teach Traditional Mass

Taken from Rorate Caeli Blog

Ecclesia Dei to ask seminaries to teach Traditional Mass
According to Italian news agency Adnkronos, the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei" will soon publish an order addressed to seminaries "in which it is required that the celebration of the Latin Mass be taught to future priests":

"According to what has been learned from authoritative sources, the dicastery presided by Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos (among the main supporters of the return of the Mass according to the pre-Conciliar rite) would be considering a circular addressed to seminarians which, in practice, is aimed directly to those bishops who [are] 'disobbeying' the Pope's motu proprio (...)."

It is not entirely clear from the report if the order will be an exclusive document or if it will be part of the general document of clarification of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum which will be published shortly (according to several news agencies and sources).______________Tip: Le Forum Catholique.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Abbaye Notre Dame de Fontgombault


Hail Mary


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Doctrinal official says people, not religions, are equal in dialogue

By Cindy Wooden
Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- When Catholics engage in interreligious dialogue, they must know that equality exists among the participants, not the religions they represent, said Archbishop Angelo Amato, secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

"The fact that there are various religious propositions does not mean that they are equally true," the archbishop said in a Nov. 8 interview with L'Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper.

The newspaper conducted the interview after the archbishop gave a speech to the heads of Italian men's religious orders on the theme "Witnessing to Christ, the Only Savior, in a Multireligious Society."
Archbishop Amato had told the superiors general that, especially in a situation where there is so much doubt about the existence of objective truths, there is no room for dilettantes in interreligious dialogue.

While a "dialogue of charity" -- getting to know one another better, building friendships, overcoming prejudice -- is appropriate for all Christians, he told the newspaper, the "dialogue of truth" in which religious teachings are discussed "must be conducted with care by experts."

Unlike ecumenical dialogue, in which Christians seek unity based on a shared faith in Jesus Christ and a common baptism, interreligious dialogue is a search for understanding and peaceful coexistence based on a common humanity and common search for spiritual values, he told the newspaper.

"Interreligious dialogue -- which has as its aim the promotion of peace among peoples -- cannot and must not exclude conversion to the truth and to the Christian faith with respect for the l iberty and dignity of each person," he said.

"Paradoxically, however, in a certain (current of) Catholic theology of religions, and in certain pastoral practices, interreligious dialogue appears to have reached its end point with a preemptory affirmation that all religions are paths to salvation," he said.

"Equality, as an indispensable prerequisite for dialogue, regards the equal personal dignity of those involved and not the content" of their faith, Archbishop Amato said. "The Christian in dialogue cannot hide or silence the truth of his faith founded on Jesus Christ."

Obviously, the archbishop said, the truth of Christianity "cannot be and must not be imposed with force, but in freedom and absolute respect for the other's conscience."

"Dialogue is not an absolute that can take the place of truth and the proclamation of Christ," he said. "Being faithful to one's own religious identity card is the best passport for entering into the religious territory of others and dialoguing with them."



Tuesday, November 13, 2007

EWTN to Air Tridentine Mass for Advent

12-November-2007 -- EWTNews Feature

Irondale, AL (EWTN) - EWTN Global Catholic Network will air a Solemn High Tridentine Mass, live from the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama on Saturday, December 15, at 8 AM. Eastern Time

Known as the Rorate Mass, the liturgy will be celebrated by clergy of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter (FSSP). The Rorate Mass, so called because it begins with the words, “Rorate caeli desuper et nubes pluant iustum…” (“Drop down dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain down upon the Just One…”), is a votive Mass offered within the season of Advent in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Celebrated by candlelight and traditionally held before dawn, this beautiful liturgy is esteemed particularly as part of the patrimony of the German-speaking peoples.
Very Rev. Fr. John Berg, FSSP, the Superior General of the Priestly Fraternity, will travel from the community’s headquarters in Switzerland and will serve both as the celebrant and preacher. Priests and seminarians from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary, the FSSP’s international seminary in North America, will also travel to Alabama to assist

Pilgrim groups are invited to attend this public Mass, to be offered in the extraordinary form, and should visit the Shrine’s webpage ( for information on accommodation options.


Thursday, November 1, 2007