Open to me the portals of repentence, O Christ our God.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Peek Into Carmel, A Look At Catholic Restoration

Be sure to have your audio turned up.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

Dogs not Babies

By now most of us have heard of the Michael Vick dog fighting fiasco. In case you have missed it, Atlanta Falcons superstar quarterback Michael Vick has been accused of illegal dog fighting. And one cannot imagine the public outrage generated by this accusation. Everyone from P.E.T.A.(People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) to U.S. Senators have weighed in, demonstrating their outrage of what was done to a bunch of dogs. DOGS.

For example, Josh Goodwin of the Humane Society stated that "Some of the grisly details in these filings shocked even me, and I'm a person who faces this stuff every day," he said. "I was surprised to see that they were killing dogs by hanging them and one dog was killed by slamming it to the ground. Those are extremely violent methods of execution — they're unnecessary and just sick."

What seems to be lost on most of the people demanding justice for the dogs is that Infant Babies are butchered in this country every day, by the thousands.
Radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, hit the proverbial nail right on the head when he said this on the air yesterday

"Why are people thinking this way?(outrage about dog fighting, and not a thought about Abortion) Absolutely right. After all of these abortions in this country for all of these years since 1973, -- and I think they probably think they're breaking new ground -- this is a testament. This is a illustration to the devaluation of human life that has occurred throughout our culture."


How can we come to any other conclusion that a great number of people in our society view dogs to be more important, or to have more worth, than human infants, or the elderly, or the terminally ill?

Frankly I'm sickened by this.

July 26th Feast of St. Anne, Grandmother of the Lord

Today is the feast of Good St. Ann, Mother of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, and Grandmother of the Lord.

O God, Who did vouchsafe to bestow upon blessed Anne such grace, that she was found worthy to become the mother of her who brought forth thine only-begotten Son: mercifully grant, that we who celebrate her festival, may be helped by her intercession with Thee. Through the same Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who lives and reigns with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, Through the Ages of ages. Amen.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Disapointing news out of the Diocese of Orange

The Roman Catholic blog is reporting that Bishop Tod Brown has informed Fr. Tran, of St. Mary's by the Sea parish in Huntington Beach, that Catholics not officially members of that parish should not attend the Ancient Roman Mass there.

"the directive of the Bishop is very clear: for those who are not parishioners of St. Mary's by the Sea, either geographically not from our parish (visitors are OK), or intentionally not registered/willing being part of St. Mary's by the Sea (just coming for the Tridentine Mass), they should go back to their home parishes to request the Tridentine Mass or they can go to Mission San Juan Capistrano or Pope John Paul II Center to attend the Tridentine Mass celebrated there."

The article at Roman Catholic Blog can be read HERE

The article ends with this question-

" why would it be okay for such Catholics to attend the Traditional Latin Mass at Mission San Juan Capistrano or Pope John Paul II Center? What makes those locations special in such a way that they somehow transcend the newly important parish boundaries or an affiliation with a given parish?"

I do hope that many of the good people who intend to attend holy mass in the extraordinary rite at St. Mary's will approach the pastors of their immediate parishes and attempt to start a mass in the old rite there, however, the thought that these Catholics are being told to stay away from one location in particular is very troubling.


Pilgrimage Continued

This picture was taken from the Monastery of the Incarnation looking up at the City of Avila. The Monastery of the Incarnation, where St. Teresa began her life as a Carmelite, is about a 5 minute walk outside of the city walls.

The Walls

The Church of St. Peter, just outside of Avila.

The Walls

The Monastery of St. Joseph. This Monastery was the very first foundation in St. Teresa's Reform of Carmel.

High Altar in the Chapel of St.Joseph's Monastery

High Altar


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Memory Lane, Pilgrimage continued

For the two or three regular readers of this blog you may remember that I started a series of post's with pictures from a pilgrimage that my wife and I made several years ago. Here is the continuation. Avila, Spain...

My wife at the Carmelite Monastery of the Incarnation

Me at the Dominican Monastery

A relief in the cathedral of Avila of a former Bishop called "El Tostado"

Tomb of San Segundo, Bishop.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Exorcising the Spirits of Confusion: Summorum Pontificum and the End of Liturgical Freelancing- From Air Maria

Article found at Air Maria(Breathe Freely)

Well, the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum is out, and the “spirits (poltergeists) of Vatican II” are agitated. Watch out for flying liturgical pottery and levitating felt banners.
We would expect to have all the well-worn clichés about how the Pope wants to turn back the clock dragged out of the modernist arsenal. Of course, the National Catholic Reporter has not disappointed us.
In her July 10 column, From Where I Stand, Sister Joan Chittister, deigns to enlighten us about how the poor Holy Father has blundered again. And, of course, she has the appropriate credentials to do so, having gained notoriety over the years for her support of abortion rights, the ordination of women to the priesthood, and her general defiance of the Vatican.
Sister Joan begins with the obligatory defense of inclusive language, and the usual demeaning of the Church’s unbroken tradition concerning the persons of Blessed Trinity. For Sister Joan, to insist that there is a real difference between a father and a mother is dissent from the deposit of the feminist, and that won’t be tolerated.
Perhaps Sister Joan needs to be reminded that most women have no problem with the fatherhood of God, or with strong men. In fact, most are tired of emasculated men who allow themselves to have their lives run by women. The idea is simple: Fatherhood equals strength and compassion. Kind of like the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, the author of the motu proprio. He tells the truth out of love for the Bride (the Church) and for his children (all souls). Honest, telling the truth is a good thing. It is not a monstrous crime of the patriarchy.
Two Liturgical World Views?
On the contrary, says Sister Joan. According to her, the motu proprio will not “make reconciliation easier with women, who are now pointedly left out of the Eucharistic celebration entirely.” Oh, really? Women have no place in the Tridentine liturgy? The motu proprio degrades lay participation in the Mass and reserves it to a “male cast” of priests?
Yes, says Sister Joan. According to Sister, the Tridentine Rite conveys a “theology of transcendence” as opposed to the “Vatican II liturgy” which proposes a “theology of transformation.” Sister says that the traditional rite is “certainly not a celebration of the entire community,” but merely “a priestly act, a private devotion of both priest and people.” It “makes the congregation, the laity, observers of the rite rather than participants in it.”
Sister also says that new liturgy has corrected all the old stuffiness:
The Vatican II liturgy, on the other hand, steeps a person in community, in social concern, in the hard, cold, clear reality of the present. The people and priest pray the Mass together, in common language, with a common theme. They interact with one another. They sing ‘a new church into being,’ non-sexist, inclusive, centered together in the Jesus who walked the dusty roads of Galilee curing the sick, raising the dead, talking to women and inviting the Christian community to do the same.


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Diocese of Orange: reconsideration of use of newer Lectionary in older Mass - From Fr. Z's blog

This post is copied from Fr. Z's Blog WDTPRS

You know that in the Diocese of Orange, in California, His Excellency Most Rev. Tod Brown had considered that at celebrations of the older form of Mass, the readings from the NEWER Lectionary were to be used. Here you can find more on that, posted elsewhere on WDTPRS.

I think you know my position. I do not favor use of the newer Lectionary. However, although many disagree with my reading of Art. 6, I believe that article does bear the interpretation that the newer Lectionary could be used. However, the senisibilities of the people should be the determining factor. It shouldn’t be used if it would cause problems. This was the old position of the Pont. Comm. "Ecclesia Dei" (still in play right now, btw).

I am sure a clarification will come from the Commission before 14 Sept. I hope so, at least.Now we get this from the Diocese of Orange. It seems they are step back from the decision to impose the newer Lectionary on the older Mass.

——- Original Message——-

From: Marywood Center Cc: # Executive Committee Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 10:01 AM

Subject: From Lesa Truxaw, Director, Office for Worship, re: Further information on Motu Proprio Summorum PontificumTHIS MESSAGE BEING SENT TO ALL PRIESTS.

On 10 July 2007 Bishop Brown sent out a memo Re: Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum based on the unofficial English translation sent to all bishops by Pope Benedict XVI in advance of the Motu Proprio’s release at noon on July 7, 2007.

The translation has since been revised. This, in particular, affects the directions in the memo to give serious consideration to the use of the reformed Lectionary for Mass and its expanded cursus of Scripture texts. The revised translation of Article 6 of the Motu Proprio states that “the readings may be given in the vernacular, using editions recognized by the Apostolic See.”

After September 14, the Exhalation [sic – breathe deeply] of the Holy Cross, when the Motu Prioprio becomes effective and when the forma extraordinaria is celebrated, the calendar of the Missal of Blessed John XXIII along with the readings contained in the Missal should be used until such time that the Ecclesia Dei Commission gives further direction. The home page of the USCCB website has the most recent translation of the Motu Proprio along with Pope Benedict’s letter to the bishops. If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at ….

Lesa TruxawDirector, Office for Worship


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Traditional Mass Returns To St. Mary's by the Sea, But....

Traditional Roman Mass returns to St. Mary's by the Sea

It seems that the the pastor has decided to use the novus ordo lectionary, instead of the reading from the Traditional missal itself.

This so called option, using the novus ordo lectionary with the Traditioanl Mass has been widely discussed on the blogs. To my knowledge, this question has not been settled by the Commision Ecclesia Dei. Does anyone know if the question, which is based on article 6 of the Holy Father's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum, has even been submitted to the Ecclesia Dei Commision?

It seems that the bishop of Orange and the present pastor of St. Mary's are taking for granted their own interpretation of the text of Summorum Pontificum.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Pope Going To Lourdes

Fr. Tim Finigan of The hermeneutic of continuity has a post today reporting, via Zenit, that the Holy Father plans on visiting the holy shrine of Lourdes next year.

This story got me thinking of my own pilgrimage to Lourdes in '98. While I was in Lourdes I took a little walk to the information center to ask if there was a Tridentine mass available, as it turns out there was not. This was of course in the pre-Summorum Pontificum era. One of the many many positive results of Summorum Pontificum will be the availability of the Tridentine Mass for pilgrims. I have heard of shrines where the Extraordianry Rite was not allowed, the Shrine of Our Lady in Washington D.C. for example. O, how times are changing.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Now That's A Real Zinger, Fr. Phillips

In a post today, responding to an article about most priests being unable to celebrate the Tridentine Mass due to their ignorance of Latin, Fr. Philips comes up with this Zinger,

"I’m assuming most priests aren’t born knowing how to play golf any more than they’re born knowing how to speak Latin. But if their presence on the golf courses is any indication, most priests are willing to put hours of practice into something they love to do."

To Read Fathers entine post click here Te igitur, clementissime Pater


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Bishop requests priest be sent to help in wider use of the Latin Mass

Bishop D'Arcy, of South Bend calls upon the Fraternity of St. Peter to assist the Diocese in responding to Pope Benedict's freeing of the Ancient Roman Mass.


Archbishop Chaput On The Motu Proprio, A True Shepherd

Most Rev. Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Denver

An open letter to the faithful regarding
Pope Benedict's instruction for extended use of Tridentine Mass
July 12, 2007

My brothers and sisters in Christ, On July 7, 2007 His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI issued a Motu Proprio entitled Summorum Pontificum (“The care of the Supreme Pontiffs for Divine Worship”). In the document he explains the two forms for celebrating the Holy Mass: the ordinary form of Mass, currently celebrated in our parishes according to the Roman Missal of Paul VI, and the extraordinary form which is the Mass celebrated according to the Roman Missal of 1962 promulgated by Blessed John XXIII, commonly known as the Tridentine Mass. Both are expressions of our one Roman Rite.

The Holy Father seeks to express the richness of the Church’s liturgical traditions and to care for the pastoral needs of those persons who are attached to the extraordinary form of the Mass. He also calls for a renewal in celebrating both forms with reverence and solemnity so that they may lead us to a deeper love of our Eucharistic Lord.

Here in the Archdiocese of Denver, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Latin Mass Community, served by thePriestly Fraternity of St. Peter, has provided for many years a pastoral welcome to those who desiredthe Tridentine Mass. There daily Mass and Sunday Mass are celebrated according to the Missal of 1962 promulgated by Blessed John XXIII.

In the coming months I will be meeting with my Presbyteral Council, College of Consultors, and
Presbyterate to assess the needs of the parish communities and our priestly resources. I ask for your patience, charity and prayer as we work to establish an appropriate and practical response to the HolyFather’s wishes for the wider availability of the Missal of 1962.
Sincerely yours in Christ,

+ Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Denver


Friday, July 13, 2007

VOCATIONAL Training Program for young LADIES

FSSP to offer Vocational Training program for young Ladies posted by Shawn Tribe July 2007

VOCATIONAL Training Program for young LADIES:For several years the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter has received requests from young ladies asking whether we could help them answer a possible calling to an apostolic (non contemplative) consecrated life. These young ladies wish to devote themselves to God in the active service of the neighbour in a parochial setting, or possibly in our missions. We propose to them a Vocational Training Program within the following framework :

1) Duration: from October 2007 until June 2008 included, in Perpignan (Southern France) under the responsibility of Fr. William Vojtek, FSSP. Applications to be sent (see address below) until September 14, 2007.

2) Program: Initiation with the spiritual life and the community life; secondarily: pedagogics, liturgical chant and parochial services (for example teaching children, visiting the persons in need, contributing to sacristy tasks).

3) Trainers: The trainees will be under the pastoral responsibility of priests from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter (an international community of pontifical right, of Extraordinary Roman rite). Director of the training course: Fr. William Vojtek, FSSP: with a rich experience of many years in the formation of applicants to consecrated apostolic life, also in regular contacts with numerous religious female communities. Fr. Jean-Eric Diehr, FSSP, a medical doctor, will bring additional training on some psychological aspects of the pastoral service. Visiting speakers, in particular some apostolic religious nuns, are envisaged.

4) Costs: The expenses of lodging, teaching and subsistence will be covered by the FSSP, but transport charges, health insurance and personal expenditure will have to be covered by the trainees or their families.

5) Engagements: no formal promises or vows of any kind and no religious habit during these 9 months.

6) Criteria: French-speaking young ladies (from any country), at least 18 years of age, baptized Catholics, in good physical and psychological health.

7) Next step: If it pleases God, the training course will lead to a formation with the consecrated life (in a noviciate linked with the FSSP), but it does not guarantee it. It is expected that such further formation might be provided in North America. However, the training course is conceived in itself as an enriching experience, offering to young ladies a 9-month initiation to the spiritual and community life, including teaching and charity work, during one school year. The training course will have achieved an estimable goal while bringing the benefit of a spiritual maturation and a deepening of the Christian virtues in the service of neighbours, through the Roman traditions of the Church.

Signed: General House FSSP

Postal address: "Stage vocationnel 2007-2008, Maison Saint Pierre Canisius, Chemin du Schoenberg 8, CH-1700, Fribourg, SWITZERLAND" E-mail address:


News in the Diocese of Arlinton

There are so many priests who want to learn how to say the TLM, the bishop is going to hold a workshop for the priests who need training. Looks like the Fraternity of St. Peter has a priest studying in the area who will help out.Fr. McCaffey will have a noon Sunday Missa Cantata (high Mass) every Sunday starting in October. They are planning for holy days and first Fridays as well.

Ed Snyder


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Remnant's Exculsive Interview With Bishop Bernard Fellay Of The SSPX

Bishop Fellay on Summorum Pontificum:
“a very significant historical event”
Pope Benedict Affirms Cardinal Castrillón Interviews: SSPX within the Church


How can we express thanks? by Fr "Z"

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf of What Does The Prayer Really Say blog has a few suggestions as to how we can express our deep gratitude to the Holy Father and to the Commision Ecclesia Dei, for the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum.

Many people want to express their gratitude to someone for the provisions of Summorum Pontificum.It costs almost nothing to write a note of appreciation.
I suggest you write a very brief, VERY brief note toHis HolinessBenedict XVIPalazzo Apostolico00120 Vatican City

Tips for writing to the Pope to thank him:

1) one side of one sheet of paper

2) unless your penmanship is perfect, type or word processor

3) don’t say anything negative about anyone

4) in two lines, express why you love the older liturgy and ho you participate

5) in one line promise prayers for His Holiness and some work of mercy do will do for him and his intentionsStart with "Dear Holy Father," or "Most Holy Father", and address him as "Your Holiness"

.Also write to the Pontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei", who shouldered the burden of the M.P. and will so in the future.Here there are two good possibilities:

His EminenceDario Card. Castrillon HoyosPresidentPontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei"Palazzo del Sant’Uffizio00120 Vatican City

Start with "Your Eminence," and address him as such.Tips

1) one side of one sheet of paper

2) unless your penmanship is perfect, type or word processor

3) express your hopes for the fruits of the document

4) say how you concretely participate NOW in the older rite, and where, and how many people come

5) do not say disrespectful things of the bishop or priests

6) don’t say what you think the MP OUGHT to have been

7) express your support of prayers for his difficult role

Also, for all these years, the point man in the Commission has been the long-sufferingMsgr. Camille PerlSecretaryPontifical Commission "Ecclesia Dei"Palazzo del Sant’Uffizio00120 Vatican CityStart with "Dear Monsignor" or "Reverend Monsignor".

While curial officials don’t look for recognition, Msgr. Perl has been in the Commission from the beginning. I think he would be touched by kind notes.

1) one side of one sheet of paper, or a greeting nice card

2) good penmanship, type or word processor

3) tell him some little prayer or work of mercy you will perform for his intention

4) express your support of prayers everyone in the officeAnd for Msgr. Perl, you can tell him Fr. Z sent you! o{];¬)

For the Commission, you might do this right away, before the August curial recess. For all of the above, don’t try to be flowery or overly formal. Just be respectful and sincere…. and brief. They get enough long flowery formal stuff during the day.REMEMBER: When you think about the M.P., if there is something you don’t like about it, don’t spoil the situation by falling into the trap of seeing

the better as the enemy of the good.


"Shocking" "News"

Over at Atomement Online, Father Philips has an interesting article on the Holy See's recent document RESPONSES TO SOME QUESTIONS REGARDING CERTAIN ASPECTSOF THE DOCTRINE ON THE CHURCH .


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Spirit of B16

Created by Faithmouse


Tridentine Mass Slide Show

A slideshow featuring the Tridentine Mass at Holy Cross mausoleum chapel by Gerald Augustinus of The Cafeteria is Closed blog.



Pat Buchanan On Summorum Pontificum

A Triumph for Traditionalists
by Patrick J. Buchanan


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Domus Dei Petition

Domus Dei Petition

Note: Domus Dei remains 100% faithful to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Whenever, and where ever we may unknowingly commit to writing something that is contrary to Catholic teaching, we fully submit to the authority of the magisterium. We do not view the Church as a “democracy” in which doctrine or practice can simply be “voted” into existence. This petition is simply for statistical purposes in order to show that there exists a great interest in the Tridentine Latin Mass, contrary to those who, for whatever reason, claim that the Tridentine is an unnecessary liturgy and therefore only a museum piece.

It is our sincere hope and prayer that the shepherds of our Church will adhere to the wishes of the Pope and the needs of the Faithful.

At regular intervals, we will post an update on the petition in order to show the number and names of those who signed up.

Please check Domus Dei to see the status of the petition at any time.

+ Domus Dei +

Please click HERE to sign the petition


Archdiocese of Washington Press Release Regarding the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum

July 09, 2007

Washington Archbishop Donald Wuerl issued the following statement after Pope Benedict XVI released a motu propio with new norms for the use of the 1962 Roman Missal:

"It is clear that the Holy Father is trying to reach out pastorally to those who feel an attraction to this form of the liturgy, and that he is asking the pastors to be aware of and support their interest. This form of the Mass has been available at several locations in the Archdiocese of Washington for many years. We will be putting together a committee to revise the sacramental norms and facilitate implementation of the motu propio by its effective date in September.”

Friday, July 6, 2007

Motu Proprio-Fr. Z Is Ready And Waiting

Chillin’ the Veuve
On the deck, with the little steeple of the Sabine chapel in the background.
One bottle of the Widow is in the seau a glace, the other sits patiently on the MP itself (which remains under embargo until noon Rome time on 07-07-07). The MP is under embargo, but the first bottle of the Widow is not!


The Church of Christ IS The Catholic Church!

Over at The Cafeteria is Closed, there is a report that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will release a document explaining the problematic sentence in the VII document Lumen Gentium that says that the "Church of Christ subsists in the Catholic Church", "Ecclesia subsistit in Ecclesia catholica".

Click below to read the article at the Cafeteria is Closed.

New document re: "subsistit" expected


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Roman Catholic Books Launches One Million Latin Mass Booklet Project

As a response to Pope Benedict's impending Motu Proprio, Roman Catholic Books is launching a project to put One Million Latin Missal Booklets into English speaking parishes.

A letter by Msgr Ignacio Barreiro explaining this campaign can be found here One Million Latin Mass Booklet Missals Project

The Missal Booklet may be purchased here Latin-English Sunday Missal


I Don't Buy It

Rumors are flying in anticipation of the near release of Pope Benedict XVI's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum granting greater freedom for the traditional Roman Mass. One such rumor is that this Motu Proprio will be released for a three year trial period. I tend to disbelieve this particular rumor for two reasons, that seem to militate against what I see as Pope Benedict's rationale for promulgating this document in the first place.

Firstly, I believe from the writings and statements of the Holy Father that he sees there has been a rupture in the liturgical tradition of the Church. The dismantling of the traditional Roman Missal in favor of an inorganic and completely novel liturgy was not a positive development for the life of the Church. Restoring the traditional mass to a more regular status, and having it's celebration open for all who desire to make use of this ancient liturgy will do much to mend this rupture. Therefore a time limit seems not to fit this line of thinking.

Secondly, The Holy Father is promulgating this Motu Proprio as a step towards reconciliation with the Society of St. Pius X. The SSPX made the release of the Tridentine rite mass a precondition to further reconciliation talks, and it seems to me that placing a time limit on this decree could cause the SSPX to come to the conclusion that this freedom for the mass they have called for is only a temporary thing.

Although I may be wrong, the two reasons I give above cause me to distrust this particular rumor, but, we shall soon see.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Motu Proprio News, Translation From Apic

Translation from Apic by Mr. Edward Snyder

Rome: Motu Proprio will be published on July 7" Summorum pontificum" for the liberalization of the Latin mass
Rome, July 4, 2007 (Apic)

The Apostolic Letter in the form of the Motu Proprio that Benedict XVI is on the point of publishing in order to liberalize the use of the mass and the liturgical books according to the preconciliar rite of 1962 will bear the name of " Summorum pontificum" , Vatican sources learned [via] I.Media, the partner agency of Apic in Rome. This much awaited document favoring the traditionalist faithful and [causing] fears for a certain number of bishops will be published this coming July 7th." Summorum pontificum" (in English, ‘the greatest pontiffs') are the first words (beginning of the text) of the Motu Proprio of Benedict XVI liberalizing the use of the Mass known as "St. Piux V”. The first two words of this apostolic letter give its name to the pontifical docume nt which will be made public by the Vatican on this July 7th.

It will be accompanied by a long letter from the Pope announcing his motivation for this publication that certain bishops, in France particularly, see with a jaundiced eye.By this text, the pope is understand to extend to the entire Church the possibility of celebrating the Mass according to the liturgical books promulgated on June 23, 1962, during the pontificate of John XXIII, right before Council Vatican II and the reform which followed, in 1969 and 1970. He will make of this pre-conciliar rite “an extraordinary form of the single Roman rite “, that of the post-conciliar known as that "of Paul VI". In addition to the rite of the Mass, the document should thus also relate to the sacraments of b aptism, marriage, confirmation and extremunction, as well as the celebration of funerals.

If Latin is the language of use of the tridentine rite, the use of the vernacular language could be authorized for the liturgical readings. The new document will put an end to the requirement to require an exemption (called `indult') from the diocesan bishop for being able to celebrate the mass according to the rite of 1962. The bishop should authorize the celebration in the diocesan parishes of a single Mass according to the pre-conciliar form each Sunday and feast day, except during the Pacal Triduum [this could be because all Novus Ordo priests are required to concelebrate on Holy Thursday; also the Good Friday controversy?]. `Summorum pontificum' should moreover encourage the creation of “personal parishes” in the dioceses where only the tridentine rite will then be celebrated.

The local bishop should then be able to intervene only in the event of a legal battle (litigation ) between one of his priests and a group of the [lay] faithful. If necessary, the bishop will be able to address the matter to the pontifical commission Ecclesia Dei charged with being the ultimate authority in these matters.This new Motu Proprio will repeal that promulgated by John Paul IIConsequently, the new Motu Proprio will repeal the one promulgated by John Paul Paul II in July 1988, Ecclesia Dei adflicta, as well as the document of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments of October 1984, Quattuor abhinc annos, approved by the Pope and granting to the diocesan bishops the possibility of using an indult for the celebration of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite. The Pope should in addition specify that it is not a question of a return to the past, but of a generous gesture in order to place at the disposal of the whole faithful the immense spiritual, cultural, and esthetical treasures related to the old liturgy.


Great Post On The Traditional Mass Over At Athansius Contra Mundum

See the following link for a very good piece on the Traditional Mass titled "More Canards And Falsehoods Exposed"


The Motu Proprio Has A Name

"Summorum Pontificum"


Sunday, July 1, 2007

Motu Proprio